Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Dear Zoe - Since you have learned the word "No", it has been a staple in your everyday vocabulary.

Mama- "Do you want to eat lunch, Zoe?"
Zoe- "NO."

M- "Do you want to put your shoes on?"
Z- "NO."

M- "Will you please TRY this macaroni & cheese?"
Z- "NO."

See?  Always NO.  Although I am proud of the fact that you know what you want and do not have a problem expressing yourself, it can be a bit exasperating at times for a Mama.

Until today...

Zoe- "More Dora, mama?"  "Pleasthe?"
Mama- "Okay, we will watch a little more while you finish your lunch and then we will go night night, okay?"
Zoe- "Yesth, mama, yesth".

My heart beams.

xoxo, the mama


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