Thursday, August 16, 2012

Stopping to smell the roses.

Dear Zoe, I hope that you never outgrow some things.  Others (the tantrums, not wanting to try new foods for example), I won't miss quite as much.  

However, the fact that you ALWAYS stop and smell the flowers wherever we are is so sweet and innocent, I hope you will do this forever.  Today, it was just starting to rain and we were rushing from inside of a store to the car before the rain started, but you pulled me aside (Mama- hands!) and smelled some of the potted plants on the side of the street.  It reminded me that we don't always need to be in a rush and we need to stop and smell the flowers once in a while.  The face that you make when you are "smelling" - scrunched up little nose and puffing air out your nose is pretty hilarious too.  :)


Wanting to get beyond the bar- you don't want to leave any flower left un-smelt!

xoxo, the mama

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