Thursday, December 29, 2011

Charlotte visit!

Dear Zoe, On Monday, we went to Charlotte, NC to visit with Missy, Dad, & Claire and to meet baby Christian.  Missy, Jenny and I are good friends from college and we wish that we all lived closer, especially now that we all have babies.  You and Claire are 10 months apart, the same age difference between you and Christopher.  Now it seems like there is a big age gap, but in a few years, no one will know who is older.

Claire is such a big girl!

Sweet Claire sharing her toys with you

You were a big fan of Claire's Christmas present- a new kitchen!

"Look ma, no hands!"

The mamas and their little ladies

It was so much fun!  Can't wait to see everyone again!

xoxo, the mama

Merry Christmas

Dear Zoe- Merry Christmas, little girl!  This past week we celebrated your second Christmas twice- once here in Chicago with Grandma, Grandpa & Danny and then we flew to Greensboro and had Christmas with your Nana and Da.

Last year at this time, you were just an itty bitty munchkin-

Zoe's first Christmas

This year, you are still a munchkin, just not as itty bitty- 

But oh so sassy...

You did quite well for yourself- Santa (and Grandma & Nana) brought you lots of clothes, books, blocks, your first movie, shoes and a stuffed lamb!  We are not sure where to put all of your fun toys!  Here are some fun pictures from Christmas morning...

So excited to see all of your presents!

"There is more in here, mama, I swear!"

Modeling your new coat & hat

Someone is getting the hang of Christmas!

So excited to see "Aunt Ellen" on the cover of mom's new book!

"Christmas is over?"  so sad.

We hope you had a very merry Christmas, little girl.  Love you!

xoxo, the mama

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Standing Up!

Dear Zoe, Today was a milestone day.  You stood up for the first time, by yourself, totally unassisted.  You have gotten braver in the past two weeks, and today, out of the blue, you went from downward dog to standing.  In true Zoe fashion, you were utterly dramatic, grunting like a wrestler as you pulled yourself upright.  You kept doing it over and over again, but you grew increasingly tired and kept landing on your bottom.  It is only a matter of time until you become completely mobile.   Eek.

xoxo, the mama

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Naked time!

Dear Zoe, At the end of each day, right as we start winding down and get ready for bed, you insist on being naked.  You pull at your shirt and tug at your pants until we remove your clothes and you can crawl around in your diaper.  Sometimes you want to wear your clothes on your head, sometimes you want to be free.  Sometimes you want EVERYONE to be naked, but we don't participate.

"Ahhh, so much better with no clothes!"

"What a day!"
"REALLY, mom?!  C'mon with the pictures!"

xoxo, the mama

Friday, December 2, 2011


Dear Zoe, Just the other day, you turned 13 months old.  I realized that I have not been writing to you as much because our days are just so busy!  And you, my dear, are not very easy to photograph.  As soon as I take out the camera or my phone, you try and grab it!

We are in the midst of a lot of transitions and changes.  Over the last couple of weeks, you have been resisting your morning nap- we may be on the verge of moving to one nap!  We have been trying to wean you off your bottle, but you want nothing to do with that.  You are still adamantly refusing milk out of a sippy cup, so we are going to have to go cold turkey on you.  Sorry, munchkin.  You have moved from a floating wave of the hand to a full on bend-your-fingers bye bye.  You are still not walking on your own, but you will take some steps as long as mom or dad are holding onto your hands.  You walk like a little Frankenstein on your teeny tiny feet.

You definitely want to do things at your own pace, you let us know when you are ready for a change.  We'll be watiting.  :)

"No, pictures, please..."

xoxo, the mama