Sunday, December 11, 2011

Standing Up!

Dear Zoe, Today was a milestone day.  You stood up for the first time, by yourself, totally unassisted.  You have gotten braver in the past two weeks, and today, out of the blue, you went from downward dog to standing.  In true Zoe fashion, you were utterly dramatic, grunting like a wrestler as you pulled yourself upright.  You kept doing it over and over again, but you grew increasingly tired and kept landing on your bottom.  It is only a matter of time until you become completely mobile.   Eek.

xoxo, the mama


Jen Pisano said...

yay zoe! stubborn like your mama! keep it up!

Annie said...

Zoe is strong and graceful. I love that she does yoga before standing up. Can't wait to see her in person next week!