Friday, December 2, 2011


Dear Zoe, Just the other day, you turned 13 months old.  I realized that I have not been writing to you as much because our days are just so busy!  And you, my dear, are not very easy to photograph.  As soon as I take out the camera or my phone, you try and grab it!

We are in the midst of a lot of transitions and changes.  Over the last couple of weeks, you have been resisting your morning nap- we may be on the verge of moving to one nap!  We have been trying to wean you off your bottle, but you want nothing to do with that.  You are still adamantly refusing milk out of a sippy cup, so we are going to have to go cold turkey on you.  Sorry, munchkin.  You have moved from a floating wave of the hand to a full on bend-your-fingers bye bye.  You are still not walking on your own, but you will take some steps as long as mom or dad are holding onto your hands.  You walk like a little Frankenstein on your teeny tiny feet.

You definitely want to do things at your own pace, you let us know when you are ready for a change.  We'll be watiting.  :)

"No, pictures, please..."

xoxo, the mama

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