Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Dear Zoe - We have been working on your manners lately since you have become quite demanding on what it is that you want.  You have mastered please- although it comes out more like "Pleasthe" with your little lisp, and every time you say it, you bend down a bit and stick out your butt...it is beyond cute.  Thank you is a work in progress and comes out more like "Tak oo", but we get it.

Just this week, you have been using "pleasthe" without being prompted.  Each time the cuteness kills me just a little more.  Today, you were watching your bud Elmo on tv and when Elmo's world is over, you turn to me and say "More Ello Mama- Pleasthe" as you stick your butt out.  A four word phrase INCLUDING please- Yes ma'am- more Ello is it!!


xoxo, the mama

1 comment:

Shannon Teich said...

You are as polite as you are cute!! Hoping to visit with you via computer soon.
Love Aunt Shannon xo