Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Dear Zoe, My blog posts have become fewer with more days between.  That is because we are so very busy and your mama is so very tired and likes to take naps when you nap.  It is most certainly not because I am lacking ideas to write about.

You are so funny and sweet.  Some of my favorite things that you say/do these days now that you are almost 21 months old (how is this possible??) are when you hand something to either dad or me you say "'Ere you go, baby".

You constantly want to know where everyone of importance is- throughout the day, you will ask (multiple times)-
"Mama- Daddy?" (at work)  "Mama, Gaga?" (at home with Gracie)  "Mama, Nanu?" (at work) "Mama, Nana?" (at home with Da)  "Mama, D?" (at work)  And then it begins all over again...

When playing in your kitchen, you like to make Mama and Daddy "cossie" (coffee).  Sometimes you even blow on it first, you are just that considerate.

I love when, totally random, you turn to me and say "Hi, mama!"  So sweet.

Today we went to visit a parents day out program- not for now, but for next spring.  I had just finished telling the teacher that I was nervous about leaving you because I have never done that before and you were really attached to me, when I turned to you and said "Time to go, Zozo, Mama's leaving!"  You turned away from your coloring and said "See ya!".  Tear.  I think it is more ME that has the separation issues.

I realize that this blog post is all over the place, but that is very appropriate at this stage of toddlerhood.

xoxo, the mama

1 comment:

Jen Pisano said...

i heart this picture