Monday, January 30, 2012

A special 15 month post

Dear Zoe, You are 15 months old today!  In my monthly Baby Center update on what I should be expecting from you this month, it said that "your child will have an intense desire to interact with you" and "will do just about anything to get your attention".  Um, yes.  That is you, to a tee.  There are times when I am talking to Dad or to Grandma, and you just yell or start chanting "Mmmmmama, mmmmmama" until I look at you.  Often, you have nothing to say once you get my attention, but you just want to make sure that I am giving it to you.  All. The. Time.

In just twelve short months you have gone from this tiny little nug who is barely holding up her head..

to this smiley, mobile, opinionated cutey pie- 

New & Noteworthy things about Zoe:  

Walking EVERYWHERE.  In what it seems like a few short days, you have gone from taking a few steps at a time to walking ALL THE WAY from the car in the basement to our condo!  Mom can carry the bags without the help from her old lady basket!  Woohoo!  Sure, it takes about 10x the time and you get distracted by everything from the dog poster in the lobby to our neighbors doormat, but whatevs.   

You have the teensiest little tootsies.  You are still wearing your size 0-6 months Roobies shoes!  Most of the hard soled shoes that I have found come in size 4 as the smallest size, which is still too big for you.  You have some fancy sparkly Toms that Grandma got for you, I am hoping you fit into them soon!

"Reading" on your own.  Books have been one of your favorite things (and one of your first words) and just recently, you will pull down a book and speak in your own little language while reading aloud.  You even laugh at some parts you think are funny.  

Reading your Fancy Nancy book to mama

Wearing clothes/blankets on your head, and playing "peek-a-boo".  Around 6pm each night, you start pulling at your pants & your shirt and want them off.  Immediately.  You then pile all of your clothes on your head or your blanket and sit there while I ask "Where's Zoe?"  Sometimes you sit for 5 seconds and 5 minutes.  You like to build drama.  But then, you pull off your pants/shirt/blanket and reveal your cute little face and laugh like it is the best game ever.  And it is. 

"Where is Zoe?"

Hilarity ensues...

Watching videos/looking at pictures of who else?  You!  There are times in the day when nothing works.  You don't want to read a book.  You don't want to watch Mickey.  You don't want to play with your blocks.  But when all else fails, I can pull out my phone and put on a slideshow of all of my pictures.  Of you.  You are such a vain little girl, but why wouldn't you be?  You are so fun to look at.  

Thanks for all of the laughs, Zobot.  Can't wait to see what the rest of this year brings! 

"No problem, ma!"

xoxo, the mama

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