Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Not just another day at the park...

Dear Zoe, the weather this week has been great- yesterday, it was almost 60 degrees.  In January!  We celebrated this unseasonably warm weather by what else...going to the park!  However, this wasn't a normal day at the park.  In days past, you would swing on the swings and maybe go down the slide on my lap.  But now that you can walk, it is a whole new ballgame.  Swings?  Those are for babies.  Sliding down the slide on my lap?  Amature.   You want to do it all by yourself.

Assessing the playground, making a plan on which activity to tackle first.

Hey guys, look at me!  I'm a BIG girl.

May have been the 15th or 16th down the slide...even before you reached the bottom, you already started doing your sign for "more".

"Hey, can you believe how FUN this place is?"

Trying to resist the urge to put your mouth on every bar.  Ew.

Overall, it was a very successful excursion.  Of course, your mama had to resist the urge to yell at every child that didn't pay attention to you or ran past you too fast and made you lose your balance... this IS a park after all and they are just kids.  :)  You really didn't want to leave.  This was the first time that you kicked and screamed on your way out.   

But...we just went home and enjoyed some pita and hummus and you were all better!

Delish, mom!  What flavor is this, roasted red pepper?

xoxo, the mama

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