Thursday, December 9, 2010

These are a few of our favorite things

Dear Zoe - A friend told me that the blog is going to be great to look back on someday when you get a new brother or sister (a very long time from now...) to remember all the things that make

There are a few gadgets that we both have found that we really like in the past six weeks- here they are.

1.  The Itzbeen- my friend Erin gave this to me and it has been so helpful!  It keeps track of the time between your diaper changes, feedings and naps.  When you wake us up at 4am, it is helpful to know how long its been since you last ate!  I will recommend this to all new mommies!

2.  The sleep sheep!  Your favorite noise is the rain.  I put it on each time you go down in your crib and you fall fast asleep...

3.  The glider- we got this chair and ottoman for your room and it is so comfortable and so nice to be able to rock you back to sleep.  Mom and Dad spend a LOT of time in this chair...and will continue to do so.

 I am sure we will continue to find other things that we both like (and don't like).  But that's it for right now.

xoxo, the mama

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