Friday, December 17, 2010


Dear Zoe - You had been on a pretty good run sleeping 4-5 hours at a time at night.  It was really nice and I was bragging on what a good sleeper you were.  But occasionally, we have nights like last night.  Where you were up every single hour.  Sigh.  There really was nothing wrong - you had either broken out of your swaddle, needed a new diaper, or just missed mom.  :)  Either way, it was rough to get out of bed, but as soon as you just looked up at me with your beautiful blue eyes, it was worth it.

I really don't want to forget all of the cute little noises that you make.  The way you sigh in between gulps of your bottle and how you coo like a little dove when I rub your back.  It is just so sweet. 

xoxo, the mama

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