Friday, June 14, 2013

Hair cut!

Dear Zoe, this week I took you to get your very first haircut.  I have been resisting the urge to get it cut for months now but not sure why I was, it was long overdue.  You were such a big girl at the salon.  You got to pick out a movie to watch, you sat very patiently while the lady cut (and blow dried!) your hair.  You walked away with a new toy and a balloon.  Pretty nice deal.

Pretty girl getting her hair done

Zoe's new do

I think part of the reason why I didn't want to get it cut was because I felt the need to preserve some of your babyhood.  These days, with your strong opinions and wild imagination, it seems like you are growing up leaps beyond your 2 years.  But then there are little glimpses into how little you are like how you call elevators "alligators" and how you ask me to make you a scooby (smoothie) but call your scooby doo toothpaste "smoothie doo" that remind me that you are still my little baby girl, and always will be.  

xoxo, the mama

1 comment:

Shannon Teich said...

Your hair is bootiful!
And your hair didn't fall out so much as it was cute but it is you way of explaining it, and it's really cute!
Love Uncle Patrick and Auntie Shannon xo