Friday, May 24, 2013


Dear Zoe,

I have a confession.  Sometimes if we can't go to the park or somewhere you really want to go, I tell a little lie and say "It's closed, we'll have to go later" or "It's busy now, maybe tomorrow".  It is just easier than having you cry or have a meltdown at me just saying No.  When you are older, you will understand.

HOWEVER, lately, you are playing me at my own game.

Mama- "We are going to go to lunch at Cheesecake Factory and then to the park!"
Zoe- "Cheese Factowy kwosed wight now, we go waiter...Pawk First!"

Mama- "Lets call Daddy on the phone and then we'll go play downstairs!"
Zoe- "Daddy is too busy wight now, he at werk.  We pway in the basement then call him waiter."

See my dear, you get it.  Maybe you know all along that the park isn't really closed when I tell you and you just go along with it.  Sometimes I feel like you are 2 going on 16 and it scares me a little.

xoxo, the mama

1 comment:

Shannon Teich said...

Such a smartie (tutu) pants!!