Friday, June 14, 2013

Giggles and smiles and all things happy

Dear Phoebe (aka Pheebs, aka Pheebadoo, aka Goosey, aka Honkers), You are The. Smiliest. Baby. Ever.  Seriously, I come in to get you in the morning - all smiles.  We eat breakfast- giggles galore.  Changing the diaper- laughing all the while.  I hope this is a glimpse into your future disposition, because this mama can't get enough of you.  

I take dozens of pictures of you everyday, and when I go back to edit the ones where you aren't happy- there are hardly any to be deleted.  My favorite is when you start to giggle hysterically and you arms and legs flail around.   

Mama and Pheebs, smiling of course

Loving kisses on those cheekys!

Eating spinach for lunch and happy as can be

xoxo, the mama

1 comment:

Shannon Teich said...

Your smile literally lights up a room!!!
Auntie Shannon xo