Thursday, January 3, 2013

Stats for 1 month Phoebe (really 6 weeks)

Dear Pheebs-

Yesterday we went to your doctor for your one month appointment.  You came in at 11 lbs 7 oz (90% percentile) and 22 3/4 inches (90% percentile) with a head circumference of 15.5" (90% percentile).   Perfect.  I like my babies chubby.

You are still eating every 3 hours or so.  We have been putting you down for bed (still in our room) around 9:30 each night- swaddled and fed.  At 6.5 weeks, the longest stretch (at night) has been 4 hours.  Totally normal, but we wouldn't mind just a bit more.  You are responding to our voices, smiling and cooing.  You have the crooked side smile just like your big sis did when she was a baby.  So adorable.

You love the swing.  Your longest stretch of sleep (during the day) has been almost 5 hours!  In the swing.  We are still trying to get your day and night confusion fixed (light = day, dark = night).

Your favorite "hold" is the sack of potatoes over the shoulder hold.  Probably feels good on your belly. You like to see what is going on around you.  You are super alert and a champ at holding up your head.

You are getting bigger each day and we just love you.

Chins on Chins on Chins

Crooked Teich Girl Smile

xoxo, the mama

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