Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Dear Zoe & Phoebe- 

Merry Christmas!  Last week was the most wonderful time of the year.  We kicked off the weekend by visiting the man himself, SANTA CLAUS!  Zoe, you were SO excited- every time we talk about Santa, you tell us that he says "HohohoMerryCissmas!" (all one word).  You know that he brings presents and he comes down the chimney.  We weren't too sure if you would be scared to see him, but we waited in line and you were such a good girl.  By the time it was our turn, you were a little nervous, but so brave!  You told Santa you wanted Dora and a toothbrush.  Phoebe- you are not going to remember this at all, in fact you slept the whole time, but you were a good girl too!  This may be one of my all time Christmas pictures-

On Christmas Eve, D and Gaga and Nanu came over.  We opened just one present (Minnie Christmas Jammies!) which you both looked adorable in.  Thanks Gaga!

Daddy and his girls

The next morning, SANTA came!!  And he did not disappoint.  There were SO. MANY. PRESENTS.  Looks like you two were very good girls this year.  Zoe- you had a little bit of a hard time accepting that all the presents weren't for you (even though most of them were) but you did your best.  

Gaga and Nanu came over later in the day after naps (D stayed the night) and we had even MORE presents.  Daddy made a delicious dinner for all of us.  Zoe- by the end of the night, you got it.  You were hamming it up (with some prompting from mom) saying "I YUV CHISSMAS!" and "DANK YOU GAGA AND NANU!"  You were riding your new Dora bike around the house and playing with your Minnie and Mickey house from Gaga.  It was a great night.  

Santa's Haul

"For me??"

My new bike!

Playing with her magnadoodle

Glitter Crayons

Princess outfit from Aunt Mary Ruth!

The next morning, the first thing you said was "More Presents?  I a good girl!"  Yes, you are my sweet girl, but we have 364 more days until we do this again.

xoxo, the mama

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