Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Birthday! I TWO!

Dear Zoe, HAPPY HAPPY Birthday!!  Yesterday, you turned 2 years old.  We started the day with singing happy birthday with a candle in your waffles (which you loved and wanted to "blow candles" again and again).  Then we went to art class (where the class serenaded you again) and to lunch with Gaga to Cheesecake Factory (where you got an ice cream Sunday and they sang to you AGAIN!).  Daddy taught you how to say "I'm Two" (sounds more like I two!) when anyone asks how old you are.

We have your two year appointment next week where we find out how much you weigh and how tall you are- but I am guessing that you are pretty average for weight and still average to above average on height.  You are still not a very good eater- you HATE to try new things and don't like things that are "messy".  We can really only get you to eat grilled cheese, black beans & cheese, fish sticks and nuggets.  Not a very complicated food pallet, my dear.  You love fruit and LOVE "snackies", but aren't very adventurous when it comes to vegetables (except carrots!  you LOVE carrots).  

You are quite the talker- you speak in full sentences (5 words or more!), ask questions and your memory is impeccable (for a 2 year old).  Your favorite songs are "Happy and I know it", "Happy Birthday" (obvie), "Wheels on the bus", and "Chicken Dance" (thank you Dora).  You LOVE the color purple and your favorite book is "Purpleicious".  You love to color and your art class that we are in together.  

In the past year- you have turned into such a fun, happy and beautiful toddler (with quite the personality!)  Here is a picture from last year and one from this year- you look so grown up!!

Happy birthday to 1 year old Zoe

"I two!"

Here are some pictures of you playing with some of your favorite toys from your birthday!  Luckily today is Halloween, so the fun doesn't have to end!!

Party girl!

Playing with your new baby doll

Dr. Zoe

My little Picasso with her new easel

Happy birthday, sweet girl!!

xoxo, the mama

1 comment:

Shannon Teich said...

Happy Birthday Zoe!!
You are such a big girl from your comparison photos and we wish were with you like last year for your 1st birthday! You are an amazing two year old and we cannot wait to watch you grow and learn more.
Love Uncle Patrick & Auntie Shannon xoxo