Friday, November 9, 2012


Dear Zoe - We had your 2 year checkup earlier this week - you are 24 lbs and 34 inches long - less than 25% for weight and 75% for height.  Tall and skinny.  Not too much a surprise given your finicky eating habits, but the doctor did not seem too worried about it.  You were such a good girl in your appointment- we brought your doctor kit and your baby doll and you were very prepared by the time your doctor came in- she commented on what a brave girl you were!

Onto developmental stats- the average two year old should be able to string together 2 word sentences.  Not to brag or anything- but you are speaking in 5+ word sentences!  The average two year old should recognize at least 3 numbers or letters - not only do you recognize them- but you know the ABC's and can count to 12 (sometimes skipping the number 6, but we are working on that).

Your memory and conversation skills astonish me sometimes- here are some examples of the gems that come out of your mouth that I need to remember!

Gaga- "Zoe, where did you get those slippers?"
Z- "From Target"

Looking at the baby swing downstairs that Jenny brought over for the baby-

Z-"Did Jenny left it here?  She come get it?'
Mama- "Jenny left it for the baby to use."
Z- "Zozo will use."

At the post office yesterday after a clerk named Cindy walked away to get our package-

Z- "Where did Cindy go?  Did she go night night?  Did she eat lunch?  Did she have grilled cheese?"
Mama- "She just went to get our package, Zoe, she'll be right back."

This morning when you got up for the day-

Mama- "What would you like to do today, Zoe?"
Z- "Go to target.  Get more teacups.  Mama pay for it."  Gotta love a girl with a plan.

xoxo, the mama

1 comment:

Annie said...

Zoe is obviously going to be one of the smartest of her generation!