Wednesday, May 4, 2011

6 Months Stats

Dear Zoe, Today was your 6 month check up with Dr. Wyman.  You are now 17 lbs and 28 1/8" long and your head circumference is 17 3/8".  That is the 75% for weight and off the charts for height- you are the height of an average 11 MONTH OLD BABY!  Such a big girl you are!  You are as healthy as can be and the doctor kept commenting on what a happy and serene baby you are.  We talked a lot about you starting to eat solid foods and you were very interested in the conversation, you wanted to make sure that I was taking notes!

You had some shots at the end of the appointment, which you didn't like, but you were very brave and only cried for a minute. 

When we got home, you got to try rice cereal for the very first time!  Needless to say, you were not very impressed.  You must have heard us talking about apples and sweet potatoes at your appointment and was expecting something sweeter!

Your very first meal!

Not quite sure what to make of rice cereal.

Not so impressed!

Ick, mom, this is NOT delicious!

I thought I was getting REAL food!  Aaaand, we're done.

We'll try again tomorrow.  :)

xoxo, the mama

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