Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Great Grandpa's Party!

Dear Zoe - The final event in our whirlwind trip to North Carolina was your Great Grandpa's 80th birthday party.  We drove to Rocky Mount, Virginia on Sunday to celebrate with him.  It was great to meet even more family!  It was the first time in 20 years that all of your Nana's brothers and sisters were all together.  What a special event. 

You were lucky enough to spend some one on one time bonding with your Great Grandpa -

"Really, Great Grandpa?  Tell me more..."

That was it, Zobot!  The next day, you, Dad and I got on a plane and headed back to Chicago.  I must say, you couldn't have been better on this trip.  You were so happy and such a good sleeper.  You travelled well by both plane and by car!  You made your mama proud!

xoxo, the mama

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