Friday, March 25, 2011

5 month development

Dear Zoe - You will be 5 months old next week, baby girl.  I can't believe how fast time is going.  This past month, you have been developing a lot.  It is so fun to watch you grow and learn new things.  Some of the new tricks that you have develop include throwing your paci and toys across the room, out of your stroller, and out of your crib.  Hours of fun for both you and me.  :)
You are grabbing toys, the phone, the remote, my hair, my glasses, my lunch as the waitress puts in on the table, all sorts of things!  You are pulling your pacifier out of your mouth and trying to figure out how to get it back in.  You definitely have figured out how to work those hands of yours.
I can't wait to see what month 6 brings!

Ready for my trick?

Wrong way...

Lets try this way...

Maybe my finger will help..

Just missed!


Think I got it!


Yay for Zoe!!

xoxo, the mama

1 comment:

Annie said...

Who needs video? This is great.
