Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dr Visit

Dear Zoe-

Today was your 4 month doctor visit.  I was very nervous, considering what happened last time.  But you were so brave!  As soon as you got your shots, you curled out your little lip and began to cry, but I swooped you up and we danced around the doctors office and you calmed right down.  Such a tough little baby girl.  I am so proud of you!

Your stats continue to be impressive.  You are now 15 lbs!  This is double what you were when you were born, I just can't believe how big you are getting.   You are in the 90th percentile for weight.  You are 26 5/8" long, this is the height of the average 7 month old!  I am baffled by your height since neither your dad or I are very tall, but you are just a healthy little lady.  Finally, your head circumference is 16 3/4, again in the 90th percentile.  We all know how that happened though.  :)

Next time we go to the doctor you will be SIX months old and we will start you on solid foods, I can't believe it!

xoxo, the mama

My brave little lady

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