Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Worst. Day. Ever.

Dear Zoe - Today was your 2 month appointment.  You are certainly thriving, little girl.  You weigh 12 lbs,13 oz (90%).  Your head circumference is 16 inches (95% - you have mom to thank for that).  AND you are 26 inches long!  You are as long as the average 5 month old baby, no wonder why you are growing out of all your clothes. 

You were so happy during your appointment, cooing and smiling at the doctor.  Such a happy baby.  Then it happened.  Shots.  You got two vaccines today - and man, did they break my heart.  Two little shots to the leg and your face turned bright red, your little lip curled out and you just stared straight at me, as if you were saying "how could you do this to me, mom?!?".  You cried real tears.  REAL TEARS!!  Tears I had to wipe away.  This was no fake cry like you usually do, this was a real life, 'I am in pain mom, hold me' cry.  I picked you up and your hands clutched so tight onto my shirt.  Your tears brought me to tears.  It took me 15 minutes to calm the both of us down.  Sigh.  

You are okay now.  Worn out.  You are taking a nap and mom may need to do the same. 

Now mom, don't you ever bring me back to that place, you hear me?!

love, the mama

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i know shots are necessary, but it really is as if they are looking at us like we have betrayed their trust, so heartbreaking