Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Things I never want to forget part 2

Dear Zoe - You are almost 12 weeks old.  I love every second that I get to spend with you- here are some of my favorite things you do -

The dramatic way you "cry" when you are hungry and how fast you stop as soon as the bottle is in your mouth.

The way you grasp my hand so hard when you are ferociously eating your bottle, as if you are telling me not to let go.

Nuzzling your little head into my neck and grabbing hold of my hair, or my necklace, whichever you can find first.

Your nightly "chats" with dad.

Your crooked little smile.

The way you kick your little legs so fast and hard when you get excited.

The way you love to relax in the bathtub.

And of course, the many faces you make during our photo shoots-

Hey mom, how's this?

My ballet pose

Whoa, I am about to tip over!!

xoxo, the mama

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