Monday, April 1, 2013

First tastes, Phoebe edition...nom nom

Dear Phoebe, 

I don't mean to do it, but I just can't help it.  I compare you to your sister sometimes.  And you guys couldn't be more different.  

This week, after your 4 month appointment where you weighed in at a whopping 15 and a half lbs (90% percentile), your doctor suggested that we start introducing some foods.  When we did this with Zoe, she couldn't have been less interested.  Hated everything about it.  But you, my dear, LOVED it.  Your first taste was an avocado and you gobbled it up!  Today, I tried bananas and that was a hit too!  

I am crossing my fingers that this is a sign to a healthy and ADVENTUROUS eater in months and years to come!

"Hmm, this is Delwicious mama!"

"C'mon, Mom, move that spoon a little faster!"

"What's next?"

xoxo, the mama

1 comment:

Shannon Teich said...

You are the bestest eater - so happy for you and your parent's!!! Let your sister know that if she starts to eat like you, your uncle and I will take you to really great restaurants when you visit. Deal? Cool.
Miss you!
Love Auntie Shannon xo