Friday, February 22, 2013

Some days...

Dear Zoe,

Some days, Zozo.  I remember the days when you didn't talk, when you didn't have your own opinions about what you were going to wear or do.  As much as I love your personality and the fact that you have a mind of your own, sometimes it wears this mama out!  I know I need to cherish this time because it is all going to go by so fast, but sometimes I just want to take a nap.  :)

You were up for about 45 minutes when this all transpired.

This morning after telling you we have to get dressed for school-

"I no want wear pants.  Just my tutu.  Not my pink tutu.  It have rip.  Mama fix it?  Mama fix it wight now?  Pweeeeese, mama?"  (during this rant, I get some pants on you, now I am trying for a shirt Mama 1: Zozo 0) "I no yike dis shirt.  Dis shirt too smwall.  (It's not) I wear my cupcake shirt (which, ironically IS too small).  I wear my cupcake shirt to schoowal." (Mama 1: Zozo 1)

Now that we have you dressed, it is time to eat breakfast.

In the kitchen, deciding what to eat-

"Hmmm, what Zozo want?  Hmmm..."  How about some yogurt, I sugguest. "Okay, jus purple yogurt" (you only like to eat your yogurt out of the Dannon Light and Fit container, but you only like to EAT trader joes blueberry n cream I must sneak it in the "purple container" Mama 2: Zozo 1)

Watching Yo Gabba Gabba with breakfast-

"Where is Yo Dabba Dabba's Daddy?  Is he at verk?  Is he makin money?  Where his mommy go?  MOMMY SIT!  SIT wif ME!  Pweeeese mama, sit wif me?  Phoebe sit too?  I want Phoebe to sit.  Phoebe sit by hersef!  More bweakfast mama.  More bweakfast pweeeese!"  I get you to eat two pumpkin muffins, which I call cupcakes because why not?  (Mama 3: Zozo 1)

In the car on the way to school-

"Mama, who sing dis song?" Bruno Mars.  "Where brwuno maws go?  He at home?  He eating yunch?  He take a nap?  I want a sucker mama, PWEEEESE, mama, can I have a sucker?  A blue one?"   Yes, it is 9 am, but you get the sucker (Mama 3: Zozo 2)

So, I win this morning, sweetheart.  And thank goodness for school because mama needs a nap!

xoxo, the mama

My sweet little angel 


Sadie said...

Love this!! Can't wait for Abby to be big enough to tell me stories :O) (I'll regret those words someday I'm sure of it!)

Shannon Teich said...

I am laughing so much i am crying (happy tears!)...Zoe, you are a trip! Kelly, you are a trooper!
Soon, Zozo can come to Teich-Camp in Vegas (where we will show her nothing to do with Vegas, it just happens to be where I will finally live) and give Mama a break...or at least bring the score up to where # of children and # of mama's are even :-)
Love Auntie Shannon xo