Friday, December 7, 2012

St. Nicholas Day

Dear Zoe and Phoebe,

Yesterday was St. Nicholas day.  This day was a tradition that Mama and D shared when we were kids- we would put our boots outside and St. Nick would bring us a small treat overnight.  It was sort of a prelude to Christmas.

Zoe, you have been VERY into Santa Claus this holiday season, so we figured that this tradition would go over well with you.  You put your pink sparkly shoes outside on Wednesday night and the next morning- you exclaimed with glee "Santa came for Zozo!!".  If you are even half as excited when the real things happen, this Christmas is going to be so fun.

Phoebe, you aren't quite old enough to really understand what is going on, but Zoe made sure to show you all the goodies that she got.  Next year you can really participate.

Zoe checking out all of her goodies!

xoxo, the mama

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