Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday Convos

Dear Zoe,

Usually on Mondays, after a weekend home with Daddy, you look for him first thing in the morning.  This morning was no exception.  I came in to get you ready for the day and here is how our conversation went-

Mama - "Goodmorning Zoe!"
Zoe- "Daddy??"
Mama- "He had to go to work today, but he'll be back later because (singing) grownups come back (from one of your favorite shows, Daniel Tiger).
Zoe- "He go to work? He makin money?"
Mama- "Yes, Zoe, he is making money because he has three girls to support now and we aren't cheap."
Zoe- "Mama go to work too?"
Mama- "Then who is going to take care of Zozo?"
Zoe- "Gaga do it.  Mama go work with Daddy."

Okay then.

xoxo, the mama

Little stinker.  :)

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