Monday, November 29, 2010

Getting SO big!

Dear Zoe - Tomorrow you are officially one month old, I can't believe it.  You are getting so big, you have officially grown out of your newborn clothes and have moved onto 0-3month outfits.  Everytime I see you, you seem to have gotten a little bigger.  You are now holding your head up for a few seconds all by yourself.  Also, during tummy time, you can completely move your head from one side to another.

Time is going by so fast, I hope I can remember all the little things you do.  You are a VERY loud eater, you make the loudest sighs as you gulp.  You also coo like a little dove when you are nice and relaxed.  When you are starting to get uncomfortable, you make a sound like a goat and it makes your dad and I laugh out loud.

Here you are on your changing pad this afternoon.

Little dancing feet

Mom, stop with the pictures! 


VGS said...

I love your blog, Kelly. Both you and Zoe will appreciate this so much as she gets bigger. Plus, when/if #2 joins the family you'll be able to look back to remind yourself what "normal" was...because you will have completely forgotten everything!

Zoe & Phoebe's Mama said...

Thanks Scott & Tori! I have heard that you quickly forget everything, so I am trying to document everything I can!