Monday, June 28, 2010


Dear Zoe,

I knew I was pregnant with you right away. I was at the gym one morning and felt very nauseous and it didn't stop for weeks (okay, months really). The best way to describe it is a really bad hangover. WHICH, I don't expect you to understand until you are 35!! All I wanted was greasy bar food like burgers and fries and tator tots. Which was odd, considering I have been a vegetartian for the past 3-4 years!

Soon I realized that these were cravings, and I figured if baby wants a burger, that is what she is going to get (although at the time I thought you were a little boy since all you wanted to eat was bar food, sorry, princess).

In addition to burgers and fries, I could NOT get enough lemonade! Plain water kind of grossed me out for a while because everything tasted like pennies, but yum, I have probably consumed 100 gallons of lemonade over the past 6 months...and I am still not sick of it!

Finally...FRUIT!! I have been pretty grossed out by veggies for the past 6 months...which again, strange for a vegetarian, but lately, I have been craving watermelon! Not quite a veggie, but a fruit, so a step in the right direction. A couple of Fridays ago, I stopped at the store on the way home and bought a whole watermelon that was GONE by Sunday...all in the mama's tummy.

I started to get a little nervous when I read that at about 22 weeks or so, you were forming taste buds and getting a taste (and forming preferences of your own) of what I was I am really trying to eat more veggies and fruit and healthy snacks so you won't come out wanting to go to the bar and grab a burger...although daddy would love that!!

xoxo, the mama

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