Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Girls will be girls

Dear Zoe, 

You could not be more of a girl.  You will ONLY wear dresses (pants/shorts are for boys, duh.)  When I come and pick you up from school and I am in my workout clothes, you are mortified (Moooom, why are you wearing that??)  You love to play spa in moms bathroom (paint our toenails).  You only like to eat off your PINK plate now (your favorite color).  You absolutely LOVE to dress up in princess dresses and wear your tiwawa (tiara) and princess shoes.  You LOVE shoes.  And accessories.  And makeup.  ALL things girly all the time.  

Today, we had a bunch of cranes and trucks outside and I asked if you wanted to come check it out (all the boys in the neighborhood camped out watching).  We were outside for two minutes before you announced "Mom, its too woud and diwrty.  Lets go play shoes!!"

I tried to get you trains and cars for your birthday, but they are sitting downstairs gathering dust.  You are just a girl- through and through.  


xoxo, the mama

1 comment:

Shannon Teich said...

Oh Miss Zoe,
Your fashion sense will have all the bloggers talking! "Youngest fashion sense, a girl with an eye for accessories!" Just don't make Mama crazy by taking all her bracelets...
Love Auntie Shannon xo