Monday, July 22, 2013

Zozo says

Dear Zoe, I don't want to forget the hilarious things that you say on a daily basis, so in order to remember, I am going to start writing posts called Zozo says...

Some of the funny remarks you make cannot fully be captured without actually hearing it, but hopefully this will help me at least remember.

"Mama, I have a tummywake!"

"When I grow up, I want to be a rockscotch!" (rockstar)

"So, mom...I want to talk about sumting"  What do you want to talk about Zozo?  "I dunno, will you help me think of sumting to talk bout?"

"What are you watching mama?"  The Today Show.  "BOOOORING."  (kind of your new catchphrase)

"I need sumting for my mouth!"  (aka, I am hungry)

Zozo, you are so cute.  "I am." Always so humble.

Are you okay Zozo?  "I fink so."

When you are older and can pronounce words perfectly, I will remind you of how cute you were at age 2.  (For the most part...)

xoxo, the mama

1 comment:

Shannon Teich said...

I am so happy that your Mama records all of your funny sayings and I can actually hear you saying them too! Talk soon and lots of love,
Auntie Shannon xo