Thursday, March 1, 2012

Play "dates"

Dear Zoe, today your friend Cole came over to play.  You were so excited for his visit, you kept saying "Cole! Cole!" all morning when I told you he was on his way.

You two are so sweet together.  He plays hide and seek with you and you laugh and laugh.  He brought some snacks over for you guys to share, and you guys sat so nicely together.  I was lucky enough to capture this moment...

Zoe:  "Cole, these are DELICIOUS veggie straws!"

Cole: "Thanks Zoe.  My mom gets them at Costco.  You should talk to your parents about getting a membership there."

Zoe: "Why are you guys staring at us?  Can we have some privacy please?"

Zoe: "These moms of ours.  Can't live with them...REALLY can't live without them!"

Zoe, you took this moment to lean in for a kiss.  You caught Cole a bit by surprise, but...

He returned with a hug.  :)

Zoe: "So, have you had any other good snacks lately?"

xoxo, the mama

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