Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mommy's Little Sleep Terrorist

Dear Zoe - Where has my good little sleeper gone?  For the past week or two, you have given up on sleeping through the night- waking up anywhere from 2 to 8 times!  Yep, 8 times last night, little girl.  Most times, you just wake us up because you are tossing and turning in your sleep.  I hope your restless nights become more peaceful soon, baby girl. 

This is a nice bed...more comfy than my crib!

Oooh, I like the covers!

I could sleep here.

xoxo, the mama


Annie said...

Kelly, your captions crack me up more than the photos. I hope your little sleep terrorist (I LOVE that) relents soon.

Even with not enough sleep, she's a doll!


VGS said...

zoe, i have one word for you:
go back to sleep and leave your mama alone.

kelly, they all do this to us. just when we think we know their schedules they change it up. just when we think we have a good more! i'm sure it is just a phase: teething, crawling, growing...all these things MESS with them. good things she's 100% cute and adorable, right? remind yourself that when she's a teenager she'll NEVER want to snuggle you in the middle of the night. :) tori

Da said...

Absolutely the prettiest child ever.

Da said...

Sweet sweet dreams to you, Zoe. Please come and visit us soon.