Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day in the Life of Zoe Ryan Teich

Dear Zoe-

I am really enjoying our days together.  You are such a funny, happy baby and I get so excited to see you every morning.  Our typical day usually goes like this -

7- 8am Wake up, change diaper, eat
Play on playmat, sing songs, do a little tummy time
10-11am First nap (about two hours after you wake up)  You are now giving me cues that you are tired - rubbing your eyes and being less active.  Sometimes when you are rolling over, you stop mid roll to take a little nap.  :)  I know it is time for a nap whenever you do that.
11-12pm Eat again
We play again, look in mirrors (you love seeing yourself in the mirror) Now that it is nice out, we will start going on walks outside
2pm Nap #2  This one is a little less regular - sometimes we are just having too much fun to sleep
3pm - Eat again and ELLEN!  This is our one hour of tv time. 
4pm - Playtime until Dad comes home
6pm - Fussy hour.  :)  This is about the time that you just want to be held and bounced on the excercise ball.  The thing is amazing - it calms you down everytime
7pm- Bathtime, storytime and final meal of the day and then BED!

You have been sleeping pretty consistently for 12 hours a night which is AWESOME!  You are such a good little sleeper and so cute and cuddly when you wake up.  I love your smiles in the morning!

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