Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Moving Day is Almost Here!

Dear Zoe - Next week, we will be leaving our condo that you have lived in for your entire life for a new house in Evanston, IL.  We are so excited to have more space, our OWN walls, and a backyard to play in!  I am sure that it will be a bit of an adjustment, because you, my dear, do not always do well with change, but you will be SO happy in our new home.

The past couple of weeks, Grandma (or Gaga as you have taken to calling her) has been over helping Mama pack and get organized for our move.  To say you have been a helper as well would be not so fact, everytime we do pack something, you immediately decide that it is something you just CANNOT. LIVE. WITHOUT.

For example, Puppy.  You decided that you would rather be packed up with puppy than letting him go alone.

"Not without me, Mama!"

Also, every box that happens to be your size is a GREAT place to play.   Being pushed around in a box? Best game ever.


We have decided that packing when you are asleep is the best time to get things done.  :)

xoxo, the mama

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