Friday, August 26, 2011

Some days

Dear Zoe,

Some days are harder than others.  We typically try and do something everyday to get out of the house - go on walks with friends or even go to Target.  Today we had the cable man coming so we couldn't really do much.  And you didn't really take a good nap.  And you refused to eat anything except goldfish.  And you wanted to be held from 4pm on. 

But I always tell myself, these days won't last long.  I won't be the only person you want to be around forever.  There will come a time where you won't only want mom to hold you and give you hugs.  Someday when you see me coming around the corner, you won't get super excited and race to get to me as fast as you can. 

I can handle these days knowing that someday my smooshy faced little baby will be grown up.  *tear*.

xoxo, the mama

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