Tuesday, August 30, 2011

10 Months Old!

Dear Zoe, It feels like just yesterday when you were placed in my arms and I got to see you for the very first time.  But that was 10 months ago!  I can't believe that this was you then....

and this is you now!

We doin this AGAIN, mom?

This month your crawling has turned into an all out sprint!  If I go from the living room to the bedroom, you are right at my heels, not wanting to miss a thing.  You are pulling yourself up to your knees, and just yesterday, you pulled yourself up to your feet (for just a second)!  I know that standing and walking are right around the corner.
We taught you "SO BIG!" and you do it on command, as long as you are in the mood.  You are an avid clapper and are great at waving hi and bye (and even do it in context now).  Whenever you are doing something that you shouldn't (like trying to climb the shelves) and we tell you no, you look at us and shake your head "NO" like you understand...but then you go about what you were doing.  Still, my favorite face is the smooshy face, it gets me every time!
You are pretty much over pureed foods, I can sometimes get you to eat applesauce, but fruit and goldfish crackers are your current favorites.  We gave you gelato for the first time last weekend, you liked it, but weren't too sure once you got an ice cream headache!
You officially have four teeth!  Your top two are in and the top two sides are just waiting at the surface.  It makes it much easier for you to eat all of your favorite foods!
Two more months til your are ONE YEAR OLD!  Halloween candy has hit the shelves, which means that it is right around the corner.

10 Months old and SO happy!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Some days

Dear Zoe,

Some days are harder than others.  We typically try and do something everyday to get out of the house - go on walks with friends or even go to Target.  Today we had the cable man coming so we couldn't really do much.  And you didn't really take a good nap.  And you refused to eat anything except goldfish.  And you wanted to be held from 4pm on. 

But I always tell myself, these days won't last long.  I won't be the only person you want to be around forever.  There will come a time where you won't only want mom to hold you and give you hugs.  Someday when you see me coming around the corner, you won't get super excited and race to get to me as fast as you can. 

I can handle these days knowing that someday my smooshy faced little baby will be grown up.  *tear*.

xoxo, the mama

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ridin the El

Dear Zoe, It was a beautiful day today so we got out to enjoy the weather. Here you are riding the el- you loved looking at all the houses we passed.

xoxo, the mama

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Smooshy face!

Dear Zoe, just this week, you have started to do the funniest new thing....you take your bath toys and squeeze them REAL hard and make a face like a wrestler- squinty eyes, clenched jaw and teeth showing. Dad and I laugh and laugh and you know you are being hilarious, so you do it again and again. I have no idea where you learned it from!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Better luck this time!

Dear Zoe, yesterday was not our best day. In the morning, you took a spill and fell on your face. Then a we were leaving for lunch, I realized I locked my keys in the house! We hung out at Starbucks (and you were so well behaved!!) until Dad came to our rescue. Today is a new day and it will be much better!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Crock Crystal

Dear Zoe, Nana and Da came to visit this weekend and you had so much fun with them. You showed them all your tricks - crawling, clapping, and waving bye bye.

They brought you a very special friend, a Teddy bear named Crock Crystal. He was your daddy's when he was a little boy. Nana took him to the spa to get all cleaned up for you and you and Crock are becoming fast friends!!

xoxo, the mama

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Swings with Cole

Dear Zoe, Today we went to the park with your friend Cole. We went on the swings and down the slide. Cole showed you his latest dance moves and you thought he was hilarious!

xoxo, the mama

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Dear Zoe, mom broke out her sewing machine and has been working on some new outfits for you. You were so kind to model one for me today...

xoxo, the mama

Monday, August 8, 2011

It's a bird, it's a plane...

It's super Zoe!!

Dear Zoe, your new favorite thing to do is fly through the air with mom and dad. You spread out your little arms and laugh and scream. After we are done, instead of saying "again!", you just scooch yourself back into position and start flapping!!


xoxo, the mama