Monday, May 30, 2011
Weekend in Review!
Happy Memorial Day little Chicken! We celebrated by hanging out with Danny, getting a visit from Nana , having dinner with Becky at Carly & Emma's house, and having brunch with our friends Whitney & Chris and Verity & John! So many fun times!
xoxo, the mama
7 months old!
Dear Zoe- Happy SEVEN month birthday, little girl!
You have really changed a lot this past month-
You have really changed a lot this past month-
- You have your second tooth!
- You are army crawling and rolling ALL over the place. Your favorite go to spots- the curtain strings, the TV cords and the computer....can't leave you alone for a second anymore.
- You are quite the talker- you have all sorts of conversations with us. Ga Ga, Da Da (although not aimed at Daddy) and Ra Ra are your words of choice.
- You finally are liking foods! Oatmeal and applesauce are your favorites.
- Dad taught you how to tap on the window and now everytime we are looking out the window, you do it.
- We taught you how to blow strawberries and you are very proud of your new talent.
- You are very bendy, your feet are always in your mouth.
- Instead of kisses, you have started to grab my face in both hands and bite down on my nose. It hurts a lot, but it is so cute and I think you are trying to kiss I don't mind too much.
Happy Girl on her 7 month birthday
Ready for my photoshoot, guys!
xoxo, the mama
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Zoe the Explorer
Dear Zoe, just this past week, you have started to roll and army crawl your way around the house. No longer are you content with just playing with your toys on your blanket, you need to explore what is going on behind the tv, out the window and under the table. If I walk into the kitchen for a second, I come back to find you in a whole new place from where I left you.
Rolling around
Hey Mom!
You need something? I'm gonna get back to what I was doing...
My new fav, the blinds cord
Check out my teeth!
Happy girl.
xoxo, the mama
Friday, May 20, 2011
Fun in the Park
Dear Zoe- Yesterday, Grandma and Danny and I took you to the park where you went on the swings for the very first time. You were such a big girl, kicking your legs and swinging like all the other kids in the park.
We may need to go back again this weekend with Dad!
xoxo, the mama
We may need to go back again this weekend with Dad!
xoxo, the mama
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Surprise Visit!
Dear Zoe, This morning we had a very special SURPRISE breakfast visit from Patrick and Shannon! They were driving through Chicago on their way to Minneapolis and stopped in to see us (you).
It was so nice to hang out with them- Patrick hasn't seen you since your Baptism and Shannon since you were 4 weeks old! You have changed quite a bit since then.
It was a short visit but they will be here again next month for a much longer visit when their show is in Chicago- hooray!

It was so nice to hang out with them- Patrick hasn't seen you since your Baptism and Shannon since you were 4 weeks old! You have changed quite a bit since then.
It was a short visit but they will be here again next month for a much longer visit when their show is in Chicago- hooray!
Zoe and her uncle Patrick
You loved Shannon's Tiffany necklace- T-R-O-U-B-L-E!
xoxo, the mama
Friday, May 13, 2011
Big Girl!
Dear Zoe - I took this picture of you yesterday and cannot believe what a big girl you are! It seems as though time is going by so fast. You are developing quite a personality. You make a very dramatic face everytime I try and feed you anything like it is the grossest thing in the world. Even sweet potatoes!
You have also started to develop a little stranger anxiety and definitely prefer your mama to anyone else.
However, when we are around other babies in one of our playgroups or in Wiggleworms, you want to be crawling around with everyone else (even though you can't quite crawl yet...)
My favorite times with you are when you are tired and you snuggle up to me or Dad, it warms my heart everytime. Love you big girl!
xoxo, the mama
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Solid Food...Take 2
Dear Zoe, you have still not taken to eating rice cereal. Today we tried peas. You were still not impressed. Dad thinks that since I was very anti-vegetables when I was pregnant with you, you aren't going to be very interested in eating them! Maybe he is onto something...
Mmmm, yummy peas!
Really, mom, we are doing this again?
Ick! NOT good.
That's what I think of your PEAS, mom!
Nope, not gonna eat them!
I HATE peas!
Gross, mom!
How could you make me eat such disgusting food?? I want fries.
Carrots, next maybe? We'll keep trying!
xoxo, the mama
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
6 Months Stats
Dear Zoe, Today was your 6 month check up with Dr. Wyman. You are now 17 lbs and 28 1/8" long and your head circumference is 17 3/8". That is the 75% for weight and off the charts for height- you are the height of an average 11 MONTH OLD BABY! Such a big girl you are! You are as healthy as can be and the doctor kept commenting on what a happy and serene baby you are. We talked a lot about you starting to eat solid foods and you were very interested in the conversation, you wanted to make sure that I was taking notes!
You had some shots at the end of the appointment, which you didn't like, but you were very brave and only cried for a minute.
When we got home, you got to try rice cereal for the very first time! Needless to say, you were not very impressed. You must have heard us talking about apples and sweet potatoes at your appointment and was expecting something sweeter!
Your very first meal!
Not quite sure what to make of rice cereal.
Not so impressed!
Ick, mom, this is NOT delicious!
I thought I was getting REAL food! Aaaand, we're done.
We'll try again tomorrow. :)
xoxo, the mama
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
To sleep or not to sleep....
Dear Zoe, Ever since you started teething, we have had trouble getting you to sleep through the night. We have tried to half swaddle, not swaddling and ended up bringing the swaddle back. We have tried paci and no paci. We have tried new white noise for your room...each night is a new ballgame for us. Hopefully soon we will get it right!
Tonight, I am going to attempt the no swaddle again, we'll see how it goes!
xoxo, the mama
Tonight, I am going to attempt the no swaddle again, we'll see how it goes!
You woke up from your nap very happy today with no swaddle, so maybe thats a good sign!
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